Psychomotor check-up (2 to 4 hours)
Goal: Detect signs showing the existence of psychomotor disorders; allow the elaboration and the creation of an appropriate therapeutic project. It happens in two steps:
An interview (around 30 minutes) alone or with the parents.
Calibrated tests in order to assess: tonus, spatial and temporal organisation, body schema, global and fine motor skills and writing.

Psychomotor follow-up sessions
Following the psychomotor check-up, a therapeutic project is designed. The content of each session is different from a patient to another depending on individual pathologies, affinities and capacities. Therefore, some sessions will require specifics mediations (dance or balneotherapy for instance), when others will focus around different games (games of fine-motor skills, board games, thinking games, among others).

Parenthood support
I offer different classes for parents:
- A workshop on child's development that will help you understand what are the different milestones of the development of your baby and how you can help them in this process from birth to walk.
- A workshop on baby carrying to help you choose a way of carrying that will work best for you and your baby. It will also help you to select a good baby-carrier or sling without falling in the traps of big brands who are not always respectful of you baby's comfort and well-being.
- A workshop on baby massage to learn how to massage your baby depending on their needs and to also share a sweet and loving moment.
- A workshop on baby sign language to help you better communicate with your baby, decrease frustrations and miscommunication.
-A Bath of Wonders, only during the first three weeks of your baby's life, to heal birth trauma or to simply spend a nice and relaxing moment with your baby.

Courses / Trainings
I help parents, education and medical professionals learn about motor development and care of psychomotor disorders.
Examples: writing development, freedom of movement, motor development, autism approach and mediations.

I can come to your house directly or if possible to the daycare facility, the school or any other organisation in the Greater Boston area.
Length and sessions' pace
A session lasts between 45 minutes to 1 hour, once or twice a week. The pace is adapted to the patient's needs.